Reading and Math Testing Window for Grades 3-8, 10, 11: March 11 – May 3 Science Testing Window: March 11 - May 10
Grade 11 Math MCA March 27-28 Grade 7 Reading MCA April 4-5 Grade 8 Reading MCA April 4-5 Grade 7 Math MCA April 9-10 Grade 8 Math MCA April 11-12 Grade 10 Math MCA April 9-10 Grade 8 Science MCA April 24-25 Grade 10 Science MCA April 24-25 Grade 3 Math MCA April 24-25 Grade 3 Reading MCA March 27-28 Grade 4 Math MCA April 10-11 Grade 4 Reading MCA March 24-25 Grade 5 Reading MCA March 18-19 Grade 5 Math MCA April 4-5 Grade 5 Science MCA March 25-26 Grade 6 Reading MCA March 20-21 Grade 6 Math MCA April 3-4
All Grades Makeup Reading MCA April 11 All Grades Makeup Math MCA April 15 All Grades Makeup Science MCA April 25
The Northwest Evaluation Testing provides for comprehensive and continuous measurement of growth in the fundamental skills: vocabulary, ready, total language, and mathematics. These skills are crucial to current day-to-day learning activities as well as to future individual development. These tests are given in the spring in grades K-6. In addition to this, students in grades 3-11 will complete the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments in reading, math, and science to assess their progress in completing Minnesota’s High Standards. Student results for the NWEA and MCA are available in the school office and parents are invited to make an appointment to go over these results with the principal. Use of test results: The tests provide a measurement of the development of skills. However, test results are interpreted with wisdom, ingenuity, and caution. Test results are used to supplement, not replace, teacher judgment. They are used in conjunction with everything else the teacher knows about the student to meet individual instructional needs.