SAC Robotics Team To Compete at NDSU

Space Elevator? Can students at SAC design and create a robot to complete the challenge placed before us? A space elevator would consist of a cable fixed to the Earth's equator, reaching into space. The purpose of a space elevator is to lift objects to and from space. For instance, a task would be mining minerals from the moon and delivering them back to earth. Our SAC Robotics team has accepted the challenge to build a robot simulating a space elevator. It must climb a 10-foot pole and transport different objects from the bottom to top. This year there are a total of 19 Students, 9 school employees, and other community members working as mentors.
We have several different groups working to make this robot competition and displays. Spirit and Sportsmanship team is in charge of using posters, props, costumes, and noisemakers at the competition to cheer on our team. People who are on the Notebook team must document all of the processes used to design, build, and test the robot. The Marketing group’s job is to present information and to respond to questions concerning the teams experience to the judges. The Designers group create the outline for the robot, and the Programming team makes sure the controls work with the motors and will be operating the robot on competition day. The Display team is to creatively communicate an understanding of the game theme. Also they must demonstrate how the team has been promoted in the school and community in our display and to inform the judges as they walk around looking at the different displays made by other schools. We can have a 10x10ft display and must fill it up with various items. If you would like to donate and help defray costs, you can send your donation to the Stephen School, P.O. Box 68 or contact Felicia Znajda at 218-478-3620. Our competition day is October 19th and 20th and will be held at the Bentson-Bunker Field House at NDSU.
We have several different groups working to make this robot competition and displays. Spirit and Sportsmanship team is in charge of using posters, props, costumes, and noisemakers at the competition to cheer on our team. People who are on the Notebook team must document all of the processes used to design, build, and test the robot. The Marketing group’s job is to present information and to respond to questions concerning the teams experience to the judges. The Designers group create the outline for the robot, and the Programming team makes sure the controls work with the motors and will be operating the robot on competition day. The Display team is to creatively communicate an understanding of the game theme. Also they must demonstrate how the team has been promoted in the school and community in our display and to inform the judges as they walk around looking at the different displays made by other schools. We can have a 10x10ft display and must fill it up with various items. If you would like to donate and help defray costs, you can send your donation to the Stephen School, P.O. Box 68 or contact Felicia Znajda at 218-478-3620. Our competition day is October 19th and 20th and will be held at the Bentson-Bunker Field House at NDSU.